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Want to finally make money online?
I finally got him to spill the secrets that 99% of internet marketers will NEVER know ... and the few who do AREN'T sharing because they're too busy dealing with the millions of visitors.... and hundreds of thousands of dollars that these secrets generate!
From The Desk Of: Leon Wu Date: Sunday, Feb 24, 2014
Dear Friend, I am writing to you because I have a secret to share. A secret that I am sure will change your life it did mine! A secret that will finally allow you to achieve your dream of making money on the internet and all the amazing lifestyle perks that go along with it. Such as the ability to:
  • Work from anywhere in the world. Whether it's from a blanket set on a sandy beach...or in a cottage set atop a snowy mountain as you take another ski trip... or even from the comfort of your own couch, as long as you have access to the internet, you can be making money 24/7 like clockwork.
  • Choose the hours you work. No longer do you have to to deal with the horrible sound of a buzzing alarm clock in your ears, warning you of being late for work. Sure, if you actually enjoy waking up early, you can...if only to peke out your bedroom window and watch all the working folk about to embark on their hellish commute, appreciating that this is no longer your life. But that isn't my style. I prefer to sleep until noon, put in a few hours of "work" on my couch, and then spend the rest of the day enjoying life the way it's supposed to be enjoyed, while my bank accounts get flooded by cash-paying customers over and over.
  • Spend your time with those you love! If there is one fact of life that we can all agree on: it's that life is too short. We only get a certain number of precious moments to share with those important to us. With the internet lifestyle, never again will you miss your son's soccer game... or tell your friend that you can't go to the bar for his birthday because you have an overnight deadline to meet for your boss. Because when you know these secrets, you ARE the boss.
And I'm not even asking you to believe me just yet, because in a minute I am going to prove it to you! But first, I have a story that I think you'll be able to relate to. You see, like you... I dreamed of enjoying all of these benefits of making my living online. Dream might not even be strong enough of a word. I was obsessed. I bought every new internet marketing course that came out. I studied them like a medical student... And yet the only money that I saw were the $47 and $97 being sucked out of my bank account to pay off some "guru" who makes his money by offering empty promises. I spent thousands of dollars of my hard-earned money trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle. Only to receive a swift kick in the ass and a growing credit card bill. But it was worth it. Because after about the 15th course... I was sure I had the answer.    
The lightbulbs were going off in my head!
I spent months building a site that was sure to make me rich! Slaving away at my keyboard for long 12 hour days. But it was going to be worth it! I was going to be the next overnight internet success story like MySpace or Twitter.
Finally I finished building it. I clicked publish to share it to the world. I was so proud.
And then I waited...
And waited...
And waited... And waited. And nothing. My site, which I worked so hard to build... The site which was supposed to ensure that my future grandchildren never had to work a day in their lives... couldn't even get a visitor.
It might as well have been invisible!
I was crushed. MONTHS of work... with no results. But it wasn't all for nothing. Because I learned a CRUCIAL lesson. I learned: You can have a site that's selling $100 bills for a dollar... but if nobody sees it, it STILL isn't going to do anybody any good!
In order to make money on the internet, you need TRAFFIC. And the more of it you get, the more money you make! It doesn't matter if you're doing affiliate marketing, selling your own products or services, or trying to sell advertising on your site...
The ability to generate incredible amounts of TRAFFIC at will makes
ALL of the other problems go away!
So the journey continued. I bought more courses. This time, on how to generate traffic. I bought courses on:
  • Google Adwords
  • SEO
  • Pay Per View Ads
  • Media Buying
  • Banner Ads
  • And countless others!
And the process started all over again. Spend money. Read product. Become disappointed. The cycle was so routine, I could have set my watch to it.
More months of frustration. I couldn't take it anymore. Everybody wanted my money, but nobody cared if I actually succeeded.
I Needed Guidance!
So I took a shot in the dark! I sent out an e-mail to Ethan Tony Chien, an internet marketing legend who makes more money online than I could ever dream of. I told him about my frustrations and my history. I needed somebody to vent to. I sent the e-mail and then went on my way, forgetting about it.
But then two days later, when I checked my e-mail, sitting in my inbox...
Was the letter that changed my life FOREVER!
He actually responded! And rather than mock me for my failures, he understood my frustrations and revealed to me the secret of getting endless amounts of traffic on the internet. The secret that changed my life.He told me:
Instead of driving traffic yourself, you need to set up systems that
have other people sending traffic to you... FOR FREE!
It was the principle that made him millions of dollars! The principle that launched so many internet success stories... from rags to riches! It was used by all the top corporations in the world... from Apple, to Old Spice, to Reebok...
It's called Viral Marketing!
And don't be taken back by the name... because this is a "disease" that you WANT to catch. It doesn't come with any cough or fever. Instead, the only side effect is flooding your sites with THOUSANDS of visitors all wanting to buy what you have to offer. In other words...
It makes you a ton of money!
Okay, so it isn't a disease. So what is it? Simply, its a marketing strategy that encourages people to pass on a marketing message (your website) to others, creating a buzz that picks up momentum. One person reads your message and tells a friend... who tells another friend... and the process continues. 1 becomes 2. 2 become 4. 4 become 8... and before you know it...
Your site is flooded with MILLIONS of new customers!
Take a look at what happened when I applied it to one of my sites!
All from letting other people spread the word for me! All from mastering viral marketing! I took the secret that Ethan Tony Chien shared with me... tweaked it... and broke it down into a systematic formula... and you see the results.
And now, for the first time...
I am releasing this formula to the public for the first time ever in a home study course!
Why am I doing this? Believe me, it isn't to get rich. Unlike the gurus who make their money by selling you hyped up products, I put my principles to work each and every day. I apply these viral traffic tactics to my own sites, and make thousands of dollars time and time again.
Here's an example of earnings from just some of my accounts for one month, processed through an ad network in my country of China.
And I have Many More just like these!
And so will you when you apply the principles of my new course. It doesn't matter where in the world yo u live, they work just the same. You can sell to anybody, anywhere.
You can use my formula to promote your own products and make a killing! You can use them to promote affiliate products and receive hefty commissions! You can build a content site with nothing to sell (such as ESPN) and make money by selling advertisements! The possibilities are endless... Because once you know how to generate massive amounts of free traffic...
And believe me... this isn't the same rehashed crap that all the gurus are peddling. This is cutting edge stuff.
Here's just some of what you will learn:
Human psychology secrets that FORCE visitors to tell others about your site, spreading your message like wildfire!
The Information Magnet -- Quality control strategies that build your reputation, pull new customers to your websites, and make sure that they come back time and time again. (This will make you stand out from all the half-rate, wannabe marketers and spammers) The incredible viral "giveaway technique" that allowed a company to build a user base of 9 million customers, before getting bought by Microsoft for $500 Million! (When you apply this to your site, your traffic spreads like wildfire! And it's up to you whether to keep it... or sell it for MILLIONS!) The Houdini Exponential-- This viral traffic foundation shows you how to magically transform 1 visitor into 1024, quickly and reliably. (Your competitors will be left scratching their heads like fans at a magic show, wondering how your site has grown so fast!)
"Viral Traffic Empire Formula is of course my recommendation, because I now get just thousands of FREE ips everyday just using this methods... It's so amazing!"  
  "I feel great because I am touring while there are still floods of traffic to my website. It's so amazing that the most difficult 'traffic' thing is now totally automatic! Viral Traffic Empire is of course my recommendation!" Philip Maxcofy (US)  
The Piggy Back Technique- This extremely powerful, little-known technique has other website owners sending you wave after wave of server-crashing traffic(And thanking you for letting them do it!)
Steven Colbert's "free laugh" technique that pissed off his bosses at Comedy Central, yet sent the ratings for "The Colbert Report" through the roof! (When you leverage this controversial tactic, you will build an army of loyal followers all eager to spread the word about your site, bringing in droves of cash-spending customers!) The Overnight Expert-- A brilliant move used by internet marketer David Meerman Scott to establish himself as an expert in his field almost overnight. (This FREE tactic brought over 15,000 visitors to his sales funnel in only 3 days and they show no sign of slowing down!)
"I am sure you know I won Clickbank world Champion using just viral traffic! This new product - Viral Traffic Empire Formula really works! I reviewed Leon's formula, shocked by all the system he has developed!This is the book I strongly recommend!"  
World Famous Internet Viral Marketing Guru Tom Hua
I've held back nothing here, revealing all of the secrets that I learned through years of painful failure, exhaustive research, and eventual success. If the above techniques were all my product offered, it would STILL probably be the best internet marketing product you've ever purchased. But I'm not done. You'll also learn: The Community Builder-- A simple way to set up your site that attracts passionate prospects like flies to honey. They will not only naturally build your traffic for you, but they will also provide all of the content for you, allowing you to coast all the way to the bank (A poker publishing company used this tactic to go from a small business to a multi-million dollar marketing juggernaut) The Seek And Destroy -- How unleashing these traffic techniques will allow your viral messages to spread to every little corner of the internet, discovering customers that you didn't even know existed! (This technique is so powerful, its like strapping a heat-seeking missile to a metal detector!) The Virtual Billboard -- How to put your "brand" in front of thousands of eyeballs, propelling them to visit your site as a natural reaction. (This is the secret the Madison Avenue advertising agencies don't want you to know!) The Syndicator -- FREE, incredibly easy to setup, software that smacks your prospects in the face with your marketing message 3-5 times per week! (This method keeps you constantly on their mind, generating traffic over and over, exposing them to your sales messages, and resulting in SALES for you) Instant Content -- A completely legal (yet incredibly effective) FREE push-button solution that allows you to LEGALLY STEAL the hard work of others by providing fresh, informative content to your visitors. (This tactic assembles you an endless army of writers all putting money directly in your pocket!)
"Viral Traffic Empire Formula is pretty effective! The most amazing thing is the FREE millions of visitors to my sites automatically! I released this formula to some of my students, 99% of them enjoyed it, so, It's your turn now!" Eight Figure Coaching Expert (My mentor) Ethan Tony Chien (US)  
5 cutting edge methods for getting others to link to your site for free...providing you with waves of instant traffic... and causing you to ROCKET up the search engines (One of these methods is so controversial, the GURUS are begging me not to reveal it.) The Bulletproof Reputation -- A sneaky way to have your customers treat your company as the best thing since sliced bread, building a "credibility buffer" that devours all "bad reviews" like a book caught in a paper shredder. (When prospects see how happy all your customers they are, they might break their mouse from clicking the BUY button so rapidly.) The Great Equalizer -- More free tactics that allow you to compete with multi-million dollar companies by doing the things they fail to do: build actual relationships with your customers. (The days of the faceless corporation are over. Today people want to do business with those they can identify with) How Tim Ferriss used a simple yet effective content distribution technique which built him an ARMY of loyal followers, taking him from unknown author to internet celebrity... and making him millions of dollars along the way! The Media Frenzy -- How a simple-to-write article in a specific format can bring you MILLIONS of dollars worth of free advertising and turn you into an overnight celebrity! (This tactic has been used to sell everything from coaching services to... The Brooklyn Bridge! Yes, the actual Brooklyn Bridge!) How a website made over $1 million dollars with a "stupid idea" that no one thought would work! (They took the doubt in stride and ended up laughing all the way to the bank!) A group of free sites, which use the advertising concept of "social proof", send your marketing message bouncing from user to user like a pinball in an arcade! (There is no limit to who can end up viewing your website with this method, as it creates customers out of thin air!) And a few other secret techniques too powerful to even print here!   These tactics are powerful by themselves... but then you combine them together, the only possible result is an EXPLOSION of TRAFFIC that can produce enough sales to change your life almost overnight! All the money problems? Gone. The exhausting 40 hour work weeks? Never again. Because what I'm offering you here is much more than just a system for generating traffic...    
I'm Offering You Back Your Freedom!
  "I am a SEO expert in China. Viral Traffic Empire Formula is the system for getting tons of FREE automatical traffic on the internet. While SEO gets the high quaility ips, viral traffic system by Leon, is another powerful weapon for success online!!" Famous SEO Coaching Expert Huimin Chien (China)  
    I know what you're thinking...  
I must admit. A lot of thought went into this pricing. My advisors were telling me that these secrets were so powerful... that I would be crazy for selling them for less than $197. I agreed, and so the price was set. After all, by applying these techniques, you can make thousands of dollars per week, quickly and easily, so $197 is a small price to pay.
But then I thought back to all of the frustrations I had before I discovered the secret. How I was so desperate to find the answer to my problems. And I know that while still an incredible deal... in today's poor economy, $197 is a lot to pay for many people. I know my secret is going to help you. I know that my Viral Traffic Empire Formula is going to change your life... and I don't want you to pass on this opportunity because of not being able to afford it. So against the better judgment of my advisors... I am going to offer you a crazy deal. If you order today...
You aren't going to pay $197.
You aren't even going to pay even $97. No. Since I want this program to get into the hands of every single person who wants to change their life FOREVER... and finally have a successful internet business that FREES them of their money problems, early morning commutes, and exhausting work weeks...
If you order today... You get my entire Viral Traffic Empire Formula...
For Just $17
People can call me crazy... I don't care. You need this information and I want to do everything in my power to get it to you. So you can have it for less than a dinner for two at McDonalds!
Like I told you... I'm not a "guru" trying to get rich off my product. I make my living by practicing the very tactics talked about in the book.That's why I'm offering it at a price that's just enough to cover my expenses in getting the product to you! I'm a regular guy, who through hard work and a little bit of good luck, discovered a life-changing secret that generates more money than I'll ever need.
And if you order today... You can have the same secrets!
Look, I know my traffic formula works. I've applied it to my own sites and watched as hundreds of thousands of visitors started showing up like clockwork. I have no doubt that if you apply it, you will finally get the results you've tried so hard to attain. I want you to be successful! That's why...
I'm Taking All The Risk Out Of Ordering!
The bottom line is, I am a strong believer in positive energy. I've put in a lot of work to build up my reputation, and I take it very seriously. I don't want to be associated with unhappy customers... EVER. I want an army of happy customers who wholeheartedly recommend me to their families and friends (Viral marketing at its finest!)
So try my product for 60 days. Read over all the information. Use the techniques. And change your life FOREVER (like I know they will do for you!) But if for some reason... ANY reason... or for no reason at all... at the end of the 60 days, you don't feel like you've gotten WAY more than your money's worth...
I Demand You Ask For Your Money Back!
You just send me an e-mail, and no questions asked, I will send you back your money. No hard feelings. In fact, I will thank you for just giving me a chance. But if you do give me a chance, I promise to change your life!
So order now! Quickly and easily through our secure order processor... and in minutes you will possess the secrets to endless amounts of FREE traffic and life-changing money... backed by a 100% money-back guarantee! The only risk you have is by NOT ordering the course and then spending the rest of your life wondering "what could have been." Check it out: Sixty days from now... you can be back in reality, waking to that annoying buzzing of the alarm clock again... saying goodbye to your wife and kids, suffering through early morning traffic as you travel to a job you hate. Dreaming... hoping for a way out. OR... You can get up at noon. Check your accounts to see the thousands of dollars in orders you brought in while you were sleeping. Pack your bags and load up the car as you drive off onto a wonderful beach vacation that you were able to pay for with your online earnings. You know that you can do your same amount of work from the comfort of the sandy beach... if you choose to. Otherwise, the viral traffic trechniques that you have set up will still have the money flowing in without you doing a thing. You don't need to dream, because every day of your existence is a dream in itself. You have FREEDOM. The choice is yours.
To your success, Leon Wu
P.S. Order today and I will include SUPER BONUSES. These are incredibly valuable and will remain a secret for those who take action TODAY. I promise you... these bonuses will not last!  

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